
Dswindows crackling
Dswindows crackling

dswindows crackling

Everything was set to auto, and the memory frequencies matched what I saw in memtest.

dswindows crackling

I tried checking the BIOS, but there didn't seem to be any OC settings I'd made. I ran memtest and got all tests passing (4 cycles through all the tests) I installed HWInfo, and all the temperatures for my CPU and GPU seem fine even when this problem occurs (around 56C for GPU and 40C for CPU). List anything you've done in attempt to diagnose or fix the problem. Running LatencyMon while the game is running will also show high DPC latency (although you're not supposed to run LatencyMon while other stuff is running). Playing games for a while will cause the audio to crackle / pop in the game. What is your parts list? Typeĭescribe your problem. I've been having audio popping/crackling issues, especially when playing games, for over a year and I've tried tons of solutions, but nothing helped.

Dswindows crackling